How to slow down a YouTube video

How to slow down a YouTube video

If you enjoy learning tunes by ear, there’s a wealth of resources online. Browse through YouTube videos and you can find recordings of pretty much any tune you want to learn. But what if it’s being played a a speed that’s too fast for you to pick the tune up by ear? Fortunately there’s a little-known setting which allows you to slow down any YouTube video, and importantly, maintains the music in the same pitch as the original recording.


Here’s the instructions for how to slow down any YouTube video:

Open up the video you want to use, and hover the mouse over the screen to show the controls at the bottom of the video

How to slow down a YouTube video recording

Click on the ‘settings’ cog marked below

How to slow down a YouTube video recording

This brings up a new menu, which includes an option to adjust the playback speed. It’s set to ‘normal’ by default. Click here to reveal more speed options

How to slow down a YouTube video recording

Try selecting the 0.75 option first. You can easily reduce the speed further if this isn’t slow enough

How to slow down a YouTube video recording

Happy tune-learning!