Learn to play fiddle
Individual fiddle lessons
Ros is currently teaching fiddle players 1:1 via Zoom.
If you’ve never played before this is an ideal time to have a go. The availability of online lessons means it’s possible to start learning no matter where in the world you are. Ros particularly enjoys helping players find effective ways to make the best use of their available time to learn and improve their playing
Fiddle classes
Ros started teaching fiddle classes with the Scots Music Group in Edinburgh in 2009 and taught with Fun Fiddle in Portobello from 2015 to 2020. Ros has moved away from Edinburgh and not teaching any regular classes for now.
“I really enjoyed the classes, the atmosphere and the friendship. I felt it was exactly what I needed” JG
Fiddle workshops
Ros ran regular one day fiddle workshops in Portobello aimed at people who had been playing for a few years. We explored many aspects of playing technique, aiming to build players’ ability to play more fluidly, and develop their own style.
“You created a really good atmosphere – very positive. We both left with a buzz!” JMcK
If you’d like to find out more about what we’ve covered in previous workshops, there are notes on the fiddle workshop update page, which include brief details of what we worked on. The one day and half-day workshops each had a specific focus.
“I loved the workshop. Lovely, very comfortable venue, delicious food and most of all a very constructive atmosphere. It was a privilege to be in a small group and have the opportunity to learn by ear at a helpful pace.”
“What a lovely relaxed few hours that was yesterday. Lots of bits to think and reflect on. Fantastic to get notes of the day too. What a bonus….it was all helpful and soothing too.” SB

Ros’s friendly fiddle workshops and classes focused on producing better tone from the fiddle, and developing relaxed playing with a strong sense of rhythm, rather than learning tunes. They aimed to help players with particular issues that they wanted to work on.
Ros has moved away from Edinburgh and not teaching any regular workshops for now.
“Really useful advice on bowhold and pulse. Also tips for the left hand – already making a difference!”
“A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step”
Ros is available to run one-day fiddle workshops in Scotland focusing on a particular areas of technique. If you would like to find out more, please contact Ros here.
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Other projects:
Clachan Ceòl
This is our our newly formed ceilidh band on the Isle of Coll

Coll Try Trad group
Set up in 2023 to provide a space for players to dust off their instruments and get together to share tunes. The group is building up a repertoire of tunes and has recently added a couple of songs
Fiddle teaching on Coll
Ros is now teaching face to face on the Isle of Coll, both adults and in the local primary school. If you’re planning on visiting the island it’s possible to arrange for one or more lessons during your stay. Contact Ros for more information
Ros is really interested in photography, and how to create images that are visually appealing
Previous projects:
Website building
Ros has built the websites for each of the projects below, and built this Fiddleclass website. She has also built a number of sites for other projects.
SongTribe choir
For many years Ros organised SongTribe choir, and occasional one-off singing workshops with songleader Alison Burns. You can find out more about the choir and workshop events on the SongTribe website
Da Hooley ceilidh band
Ros was a founder member of this lively Edinburgh-based ceilidh band, which has been getting people up to dance since 1995. Find out more about the band on Da Hooley ceilidh band’s website
The Porty Ceilidhs
For qa number of years Ros organised occasional ceilidhs in Portobello, which aimed to raise funds for local organisations.