Online lessons

Two fiddles

Online lessons

Ros is now teaching the fiddle online using Zoom. Ros especially enjoys teaching players who are in the early stages of learning to play, and is happy to teach new students who have never played before. She will focus on teaching you good basic techniques, particularly focusing on using the bow. You will need to have your own fiddle, and be able to tune it, either from these online instructions, or with help from Ros during your first lesson.

Ros also takes time help fiddle players understand how to practice and learn effectively, and will help you to make the most of the time you have available.

Addressing particular fiddle playing issues

Ros also has occasional vacancies for booking a series of a few online fiddle lessons. These can help you to identify and work on  specific problems with your playing.

Learning to play fluently with confidence

Two fiddles - online fiddle lessons
Photo ©Ros Gasson

Ros is particularly interested in helping players to work on playing more fluently and can support adult learners who feel ‘stuck’ at the  the basics of playing the right notes in the right order. We can work together to help you find ways to confidently play and share your music with others.

Contact Ros for more information about availability and charges.



“Ros’s approach to teaching adults is holistic and empowering. I learned a totally new way to approach my playing. Her guidance gave me the sense of freedom and confidence I needed to take my fiddling to the next level. Thank you, Ros!”

Mike Sainsbury
Saskatoon, Canada



If you’re not based in the UK, you can make your payment for individual lessons online here.